Welcome to The Water Droplet
A newsletter about interesting and important water issues around the world.
Welcome to The Water Droplet, a new digital newsletter about water. I’ve worked in the water profession for over three decades in academics, government and consulting. In the summer of 2022, I resigned from my job at an environmental consulting company as a hydrogeologist and I continue to work part-time with the Oak Ridges Moraine Groundwater Program (ORMGP). I still enjoy learning about the role of water in our world and I’ve started this newsletter to help inform readers about water issues that I’ve either worked on or discovered.
I’ll be thoroughly researching and citing all relevant reference material so keen readers can look up more details. My goal is to keep these articles short with plenty of eye-candy in the form of photos, maps and other images.
Although the focus of my career has been on groundwater, my intention here is to cover may different aspects of water, from water resources to contamination to drinking water to water use and re-use and anything else along the way. Most of us understand the importance of water to our existence. About 60% of the adult human body is made up of water and we likely can’t go more than a few days without drinking water (although there are many factors that would affect how long we might survive without water). We pay a premium to live near water (oceans, lakes, rivers) and many of our vacations are to destinations by the ocean.
I’ll end this introduction with a few questions I will try to answer as this newsletter evolves:
Where does our tap water come from? Where does our water go when it goes down the drain?
How much does water cost?
Is there a global water shortage?
Where does rainwater go?
How much water do we need? How much do we use?
If you have an topics you’d like me to explore, let me know!
Below are some water photos I’ve taken over the years. Water is, indeed, everywhere. We are all water.