Nice write up Steve, and your lessons learned are well said, so true.

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Enjoyed reading this Steve. Inspires me to write my own career version in the future

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Nov 11, 2023·edited Nov 11, 2023

Thanks for the history Steve. So interesting to read your summary and look forward to your memoir. I am grateful to you for encouraging me to do a masters when I first met you in in the summer of 1994. Your office was beside my then future supervisor, Emil. Hydrog has been a great career! Oh and btw it was AquaResource…it’s was a pet peeve of someone for us to be called Aqua Resources, lol! I guess you were only at AQR for less than a year before we became Matrix!

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Dec 3, 2023Liked by Steve Shikaze

Hi Steve,

Please reach out to me at Water League to chat about groundwater use and policies -- chris@waterleague.org

Thanks for your stories!

Christopher Hall

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